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SMNYC 2024: Grabyo的Clare Butler谈论云流媒体服务和定价模式

流媒体的蒂姆·西格林采访Grabyo的克莱尔·巴特勒流媒体纽约2024. 她强调,Grabyo不受地域限制,适合任何在现场工作的人, including news broadcasters, sports clubs, and entertainment producers. She also emphasizes the cost-effectiveness of cloud solutions, 注意到云技术现在与内部部署解决方案不相上下, offering features like instant replay and SCTE-35 ad insertions.

At Streaming Media NYC 2024, Tim Siglin, Founding Executive Director, Help Me Stream Research Foundation, and Contributing Editor, Streaming Media, interviews Clare Butler, SVP Marketing, Grabyo. 巴特勒强调,Grabyo不受地域限制,适合任何在现场工作的人, including news broadcasters, sports clubs, and entertainment producers. She also emphasizes the cost-effectiveness of cloud solutions, 注意到云技术现在与内部部署解决方案不相上下, offering features like instant replay and SCTE-35 ad insertions.

What is Grabyo?

Siglin asks Butler to describe Grabyo and her role there.

巴特勒说,Grabo 100%是云原生的,100%是在云中构建的. It is a live production, distribution, and video monetization platform, and she is the SVP of Marketing.

“当你说100%的云计算用于生产时,它主要集中在欧洲或美国? Where do you get your potential customers from?” Siglin asks.

“It's all over,” Butler says. “There is no geographic boundary. It is anyone that works in the live space. So we could be talking to news broadcasters, entertainment and/or sports, through to anyone else that produces live content. 可能是体育版权持有者,也可能是体育俱乐部和球队. It could be anybody in that space.”

Build, buy, or go hybrid?

Siglin请Butler谈谈她刚刚参加的纽约流媒体小组(“Lining the Cloud For Live”) & VOD”).

“It was fantastic actually,” Butler says. “它基本上(专注于)构建自己的云产品,而不是购买自己的云产品. 内容的重点是围绕内部部署的基础设施,而不是基于云的基础设施.”

“Versus some hybrid in the middle as well?” Siglin says.

“Exactly,” Butler says. “It was really interesting and fascinating. Of course, I sit very much in the cloud space, 所以很重要的一点是,把人们现在所拥有的各种各样的技术选择放在一起. 云服务非常容易集成到现有的本地基础设施中. 所以有一种混合的方法和那些想要建立自己的方法, and then they have tech choices as well.”

Butler further breaks down the idea of “build vs. buy.“我喜欢从一个极端到另一个极端来谈论云,”她说. “So the ‘build your own’ very much sits on one side of the spectrum, 你的组织在哪里可能有很多繁重的百家乐软件,比如工程. 与另一个极端相比,构建自己的系统需要进行大量的维护, 哪一个是实时生产(和)完全托管服务的SaaS现代版本, 这让更多的人更容易接触到它他们不一定有足够的工程预算和百家乐软件.”

Siglin says that in his 26 years working within the industry, 他目睹了内部部署与云计算之间的摇摆. “Hybrid is sort of a relatively new concept,” he says, “但云计算有时会遇到的一个问题是,你的资本支出成本较低, 但从继续使用别人的解决方案的角度来看,你的运营成本更高, [with] the premium that gets charged. We do twice annual surveys for Streaming Media Magazine, and we began to see people say, ‘My cloud bill's too high.’ So where does that economics model fit in from an OPEX standpoint?”

巴特勒说,Grabyo有一个企业折扣计划(EDP)作为批量定价折扣模式. “与我们交谈的人都是广播工程方面的人, or the production side, 可能不一定知道他们的组织有一个EDP承诺,” she says. “So that allows them to procure our service, for example, through AWS marketplace, 他们可以在哪里利用他们已经承诺的折扣服务. 然后,当然,这也会帮助他们蚕食他们承诺的数量. So not only are they taking advantage of a better discount pricing, 但他们也要确保他们的金融同事通过消费他们承诺的服务量来保持更快乐.”

The new parities of cloud and on-prem

Siglin says, “You clearly sit in the cloud camp, 但是,从内部部署系统和云系统的对等角度来看,您是怎么看的呢?”

“I would say if you asked me that question about a year ago, it would be a very different answer, 只是因为我们已经把这项技术推向了我们以前从未见过的领域,” Butler says. “In terms of parity, let's take an OB truck for example. It's got a hundred features, of which you'd only maybe use 15 to 20. 现在,在云计算领域,我们专注于构建那些(主要)使用的功能. So, now more than ever, cloud technology is on at parity to on-prem. For example, we've introduced some of the features over the last year or so, (比如)即时回放……(为此)你需要一个)获得evs认证的操作员, whereas now we've built that feature in the cloud. So you can see the obvious benefits there, through to SCTE-35 ad in insertions to help monetize live content. That's another big thing that's come out.

"In our partnership with Magnify, we've launched AI for our live clipping platform, which allows automated clipping and highlights at scale. 你也可以通过选择从事件本身展开的故事来策划内容, knowing that you'll never miss a beat. So, from a fan engagement perspective, spitting out that content at high volume and at scale, 通过Grabyo和Magnify的结合,你可以看到更高质量的内容. 你的粉丝会消费更多他们乐于参与的内容.”

Siglin says, “And obviously, 无论如何,大型语言模型更适合云场景,而不是本地场景, from a compute standpoint.”

“From an integration perspective as well,” Butler says. “在云中测试这些解决方案与在本地测试相比非常容易. With the hardware situation that you have on-prem, the capacity of that is only limited to its lifespan. The big advantage of that from an OPEX and CAPEX perspective, 下次打开浏览器时,你会从所有的升级中受益吗. 所以你不受硬件容量的限制,基本上云服务会变得越来越好.”

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